Museums in Vitebsk

Golden Ring of the city of Vitebsk «Dvina»

The state institution "Cultural and historical complex "The Golden Ring of Vitebsk "Dvina" is a club-type cultural institution and performs cultural and educ...

Folk Museum of Vitebsk Tram History

The first streetcar in Belarus went to Vitebsk. And its launch took place on June 18, 1898. Especially for this event Vitebsk composer F. Kramer wrote "Stree...

Marc Chagall Home

The key exhibit of the museum is the stone house where Marc Chagall spent his childhood and adolescence. The exposition includes household items from the tur...

Museum of soldiers-internationalists

Museum of soldiers-internationalists was founded in Vitebsk in 1992 by the Vitebsk Association of Veterans of the War in Afghanistan in order to perpetuate t...

Museum of the History of Private Collections

The Museum of the History of Private Collections is located in the historical center of Vitebsk, in the building of the former city power station, which was ...

Self Exposure «Memory Patriots Vitebsk region, 1941-1945»

The exposition is housed in the basements of the Vitebsk theological school building, which during the Nazi occupation of Vitebsk was home to the Security Se...

Museum-Manor of I.E. Repin «Zdravnyova»

The museum was founded on August 11, 1988 under the order No. 64 by the Minister of Culture of the BSSR as a branch of the Vitebsk Regional Museum of Local L...

Art space

The art gallery specializes in holding exhibitions of contemporary authors and creative associations. There are also music and literary evenings, educational...
