Museum-Manor of I.E. Repin «Zdravnyova»

The museum was founded on August 11, 1988 under the order No. 64 by the Minister of Culture of the BSSR as a branch of the Vitebsk Regional Museum of Local Lore. It's located 16 km north from Vitebsk on the place of the former manor of the painter Ilya Repin (1844-1930). During the years 1892-1902. Repin created here the paintings "Autumn Bouquet," "Hunter," "The Belorussian," "On the Western Dvina. Sunrise," "Moonlit Night," "Young ladies on a walk among a herd of cows," "In the Sun" and others. The complex of the museum-estate includes the main manor house, which houses the memorial exhibition, house of the manager (this is where the administration of the museum and the exhibition hall), cellar, pond, part of the linden alley. The area of the museum exposition is 242 sq.m.

The exhibition consists of 6 rooms. The first tells about the creative and life path of IE Repin before the acquisition Zdravnev, the history of purchasing and restructuring of the estate. The next two halls focus on the artist and his relatives staying in the Vitebsk region between 1892 and 1904: he met the local clergy and peasants, the guests of the estate and its reflection in the works of Ilya Repin. The fourth hall restores the interior of the living room and presents materials about the artist's family. The exhibition of the fifth hall is located in the artist's studio and talks about the creative pursuits and works of Repin in the Zdravnjevo period. The exposition of the sixth hall is devoted to the stay in Zdravnevo of the family of the artist's youngest daughter Tatyana Ilyinichna Repina-Yazeva (from 1918 to 1930) and the history of the estate at a later time.

It presents copies of photos, documents, works of Ilya Repin, books, household items of the late XIX-XX centuries, and items found during excavations of the estate. The museum conducts active exhibition activities in cooperation with museums and organizations of Belarus and Russia, organizes ethnographic holidays, musical evenings.

Website of the museum