Monuments in Vitebsk

A.S. Pushkin Monument

Monument to Alexander Pushkin in Vitebsk is one of the bright and unusual monuments of Vitebsk, installed at the end of the XX century. In 1989 the solemn op...

Monument to Heroes of Patriotic War 1812

The monument was erected in 1912 on the voluntary donations of the city and province residents in honor of the 100th anniversary of the victory over Napoleon...

Prince Olgerd Monument

The monument to Grand Duke Olgerd in Vitebsk was unveiled on June 27, 2014, during the celebration of the 1040th anniversary of the city of Vitebsk. The monu...

Memorial to soldiers-internationalists «Pain»

The monument to soldiers-internationalists "Pain" is located in the southern part of Vitebsk, at the intersection of Soldiers-Internationalists and Chkalova ...

Memorial Complex «Three Bayonets»

This complex is the most important memorial structure in the city. It was created in 1974 on Victory Square. It includes the memorial square, 2 swimming pool...
