Evdokia Los

Born on March 1, 1929 into a peasant family in the village of Starina, Ushachy district, Vitebsk region.

In 1934, the family moved to Ushachi. Graduated 5 classes before the beginning of the Great Patriotic war. After her graduation from the Ushachy seven-year school, she studied at the school department of the Glubokoe pedagogical college (1945-1948). In 1955, she graduated from the Philological Department of the M. Gorky Minsk Pedagogical Institute. She was a literary worker for the Belarusian youth newspaper Chyrvonaya Zmena, the children's newspaper Zorka (1951-1952), editor of the educational-pedagogical publishing house of the Belarusian Soviet Socialist Republic (1952-1959). In 1960 she graduated from the higher literary courses in Moscow. Since 1961 was editor at the Training-pedagogical publishing house of the Belarusian Soviet Socialist Republic, literary worker of the Belarusian newspaper "Zviazda", from 1963 on the creative work. In 1970-1972 was the executive secretary of the magazine Rabotnitsa i sialanka. In 1975-1977 was editor-in-chief of the children's magazine Vyaselka.