Ryhor Baradulin

Belarusian poet, essayist, translator. People's poet of Belarus.

Started publishing in 1953, his first poems were printed in the newspaper "Red Change" (Chyrvonaya Zmena). The first collection of poetry "A Month above the Steppe" (belorussian "Maladzik nad steppami") was published in 1959. All in all, about 70 collections of poetry (among which there are collections of satire and humor, as well as poems for children), critical articles, essays, translations were published. Two books of the poet's selected poems were published (1984, 1996-2002). A collection of Borodulin's works came out (five volumes were announced, but only four were published). In 2006 the poet was nominated for the Nobel Prize in Literature.

He was awarded the Order of Friendship of Peoples, the Order of Honour, and the Latvian Order of the Three Stars (he received the title of Officer of the Order (4th class) on 23 April 1997). Medal of Honorary Doctor of the Belarusian State University. Honorary Doctor of Belarusian State University and Honorary Citizen of Ushacha district. Popular Poet of Belarus (1992). Winner of the Lenin Komsomol Prize of Belarus (1976) and the Yanka Kupala State Prize (1976) for the collection of poems "Rum" and translations of Garcia Lorca.