Zinovy Gorbovets

Zinovy Isaakovich Gorbovets (5 (17) May 1897 - October 31, 1979) - graphic artist, member of the Union of Artists of the USSR. Member of the Great Patriotic War.

Born in the city Zvenigorodka Cherkassy region. From 1923 to 1924, taught at the printing school of the Belarusian Polygraphic Publishing House in Minsk,

In November 1924, 3inovy Gorbovets was appointed a teacher of drawing at the Vitebsk Art College, which at that time had already been renamed the Belarusian Art College. However, after less than a year of work, he was informed that he would be dismissed as of the new academic year because the courses he was teaching had been closed. Neither an appeal to the arbitration court at the Vitebsk district labor department, nor a positive examination of his professional qualification with the authoritative commission, nor support from the trade union of art workers, prosecutor's office or people's court helped Z.Gorbovets get justice and reinstate him as a teacher at the technical school. Therefore, already in the fall of 1925, he was forced to get a job as a school teacher. A year later, he became a teacher at the Belarusian Teachers' Training College, where he worked until his departure for Moscow.

He was a member of Vitebsk regional society of local lore.

Studied at Vhutein in Moscow (1929-1931) with P.Y. Pavlinov and V.A. Favorsky. From 1931 in Moscow, taught at the editorial and publishing college. He was a war veteran.