National Academic Drama Theatre in the Name of Yakub Kolas

The modern building of the theater was built in 1958, designed by architects A. Maksimov and I. Ryskina. The main facade of the building overlooking the Vitebsk Millennium Square is designed as an eight-column Doric portico finished with a triangular pediment with decorative relief. The side facades are decorated with pilasters, model inserts and rustic. The end facade is in the form of a 4-column portico. Along the main axis of the building the vestibule, foyer, auditorium with parterre and two balconies are placed.

Its construction that was started in 1956 coincided with the changes in the Soviet architecture. The project was revised. Mainly it affected the design of the volume solution and interiors. As a result of the "clearing away of the excesses", the building, which plays an important part in the ensemble of the city center, turned out to be unimpressive. It especially concerns the side facade on the embankment on the high bank of the Dvina River.

The building is included in the "State List of Historical and Cultural Values of Vitebsk".

"Our theater has existed in Vitebsk for more than 95 years, it stands on Algerdova Mountain and pleases Vitebsk spectators and city guests with works of theatrical art in the native Belarusian language. The repertoire of the Kolasova theater includes plays of different genres: from ironic cute drama to modern parable and tragigrotesque. The theater puts on plays by Belarusian and foreign authors, puts on both classical and modern drama. The theater has two venues - a large and a chamber stage. A festival of stage readings "School Theatre" is held every year in Kolasova Theatre. Colasovians take an active part in tours and theater festivals, they are always open for creative cooperation."