Victory Square

Victory Square is the largest square in the city and the country. It is located in the Oktyabrsky district at the junction of Lenin, Zhestkov, Kalinin, General Beloborodov streets, Moskovsky Avenue and Chernyakhovsky Avenue. Size of the area - 380x190 meters (an area of 7.22 hectares).

Includes a memorial area and an area for public events. In the memorial area there is a memorial complex in honor of the Soviet soldiers-liberators, partisans and underground fighters of Vitebsk. Here, on Victory Day, wreaths are traditionally laid at the Eternal Flame. In the area for public events there are four fountains, two large LED screens and a stage. In winter there is an ice rink, and on New Year's Eve the main city Christmas tree is installed.

In 2009 the city authorities decided to reconstruct Victory Square. In spring 2009 they started redesigning a part of the square (square) designed for recreation. The trees were transplanted to the Botanical garden and the Soviet Army Recreation and Culture Park (Mazurino park).

By the end of September 2009, the square was tiled, with thuas planted and fountains installed. Many works were not completed (the fountains did not work, the tiles were not laid well and not completely), but on September 27, the square was opened by the Patriarch of Moscow and All Russia Kirill.

In November, four light dynamic fountains were launched in test mode.

In December, was poured city skating rink, mounted two screens, the stage and installed the main city Christmas tree height of 35 meters, consisting of many small Christmas trees, mounted on a metal frame.

In early May 2010, the reconstruction of Victory Square was completed. The memorial complex is finished with granite, its asphalt covering was replaced with paving, and sculpture compositions were renewed. The underpass and public toilets were also repaired (they became paid).

On May 8, 2010 grand opening of the renewed square took place.